Best Countries for Vegetarians to Visit: Top Destinations for Plant-Based Dining

burger with patty and tomatoes

Traveling as a vegetarian doesn’t mean you have to compromise on the quality of your dining experiences. In fact, many countries around the world offer a rich array of vegetarian and vegan options that cater to plant-based preferences. In this post we’ll cover the best countries for vegetarians to visit. Whether you adhere to these dietary choices for ethical, health, or environmental reasons, you’ll find that certain destinations are especially accommodating, making it easier for you to maintain your lifestyle while exploring new cultures.

Lush green landscapes with vibrant markets selling fresh produce, colorful and diverse vegetarian cuisine, and bustling restaurants offering a wide range of plant-based options

The best countries for vegetarians are those that have a strong vegetarian culture or those that are rapidly adapting to vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. Some locales are celebrated for their wide selection of meat-free dishes inherent to their traditional cuisine, while others have embraced the plant-based movement with innovative culinary creations. Europe, Asia, and the Americas offer diverse and exciting options for vegetarian and vegan travelers, ensuring that you never miss out on the pleasures of good food no matter where your adventures take you.

Before we delve into the best countries for vegetarians, let’s cover some reasons why this topic is of importance.

Best Countries for Vegetarians: Why Vegetarian Travel Matters?

Best Countries for Vegetarians

As a vegetarian, your travel experiences often revolve around the ability to find suitable meat-free dining options. The importance of vegetarian travel lies in the growing global shift towards plant-based diets. This shift isn’t just about personal health; it’s about sustainability and ethical choices concerning animal welfare.

  • Ethical Considerations: Choosing vegetarian-friendly destinations means supporting local economies that prioritize animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
  • Health Benefits: Opting for vegetarian or vegan options can lead to healthier food choices while abroad.
  • Cultural Experiences: Exploring vegetarian cuisine offers a unique lens through which to experience local cultures and traditions.

Best Countries for Vegetarians: Popular Destination Accommodation Index:

Country Vegetarian-Friendliness
India Exceptionally High
UK High
USA Moderate
France Low

By selecting destinations renowned for their vegetarian and vegan offerings, you can enjoy peace of mind and maintain your meat-free lifestyle without compromise. Furthermore, as demand for vegetarian options grows, you have a chance to positively influence global food trends, promoting more sustainable dining habits worldwide.

Keep in mind that some countries may surprise you with their veganism-friendliness, such as Singapore which has been recognized for its plethora of vegetarian-friendly restaurants despite its size. Your choices as a vegetarian traveler matter, both for your personal enjoyment and for the larger global movement towards more ethical and sustainable eating practices.

Best Countries for Vegetarians

Exploring the world as a vegetarian has never been more delightful and convenient. The following countries offer an abundance of vegetarian-friendly restaurants, local dishes that naturally eschew meat, and vibrant food cultures that celebrate plant-based eating.


India has a substantial vegetarian population due to cultural, religious, and personal reasons. Cities like Mumbai and Bangalore boast a plethora of vegetarian restaurants. Traditional dishes often feature local ingredients and dairy, with vegetarianism deeply rooted in the lifestyle.

India Best Countries for Vegetarians


Berlin, a city known for its alternative culture, is also a sanctuary for vegetarians. The city offers numerous vegetarian restaurants and an increasing interest in vegan-friendly options. Germany’s vegetarian scene is growing rapidly, making it a promising destination for plant-based eaters.


In Thailand, cities like Chiang Mai and Bangkok host a variety of vegetarian-friendly restaurants. The local cuisine already offers a selection of vegan dishes. Thailand’s street food culture allows for easy access to fresh, local ingredients in vegetarian meals.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, especially London and Glasgow, has seen a surge in vegan-friendly cities. The UK offers a broad spectrum of vegetarian and vegan restaurants, providing an array of choices from traditional British fare to international cuisine.

United States

The United States is home to diverse, cosmopolitan cities such as New York and Portland, where numerous vegan restaurants have flourished. New York City, in particular, is known for its varied dining options catering to vegetarian and vegan diets.


Cities like Melbourne reflect Australia’s enthusiastic adoption of vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. Australia’s vegan-friendly approach means finding a variety of plant-based meals isn’t just easy—it’s a culinary adventure.


In Canada, cities like Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal have embraced the vegetarian and vegan movements. Whether you’re looking for high-end vegetarian dining or casual vegan eats, Canada’s multicultural cities offer an impressive selection.

green trees near lake during daytime


Mexico may surprise you with cities like Merida and Tulum, where vegetarian and vegan options abound. Traditional Mexican dishes are easily adaptable to vegetarian diets, emphasizing fresh local ingredients like beans, corn, and chili peppers.


Often referred to as a vegan paradise, Bali offers an exquisite selection of vegetarian dishes. The local fare incorporates tofu and a medley of fresh produce, making it a dream destination for those preferring a plant-based diet.


Ethiopia’s cuisine naturally caters to vegetarians, with dishes like injera and kik alicha dominating the menu. The combination of unique spices and local grains create flavorful, satisfying meals that are often vegetarian or vegan.

Ethiopia, Best Countries for Vegetarians


Italy might be known for its cured meats and cheeses, but its vegetarian cuisine is equally impressive. Many traditional pasta dishes, pizzas, and soups can be savored without meat, featuring Mediterranean ingredients like olive oil, tomatoes, and a variety of vegetables.

City Breakdown: A Closer Look at Urban Vegetarian Culture

Now that we have covered the best countries for vegetarians, let’s look at some of the most vegetarian-friendly cities.

In vibrant cities around the globe, vegetarian culture is flourishing with various restaurants catering to those seeking plant-based meals. Whether you are a strict vegan or a vegetarian, these cities offer various options that align with your dietary preferences.

New York City

New York City is a melting pot of cultures, and this diversity is mirrored in its vegetarian offerings. The city is home to a plethora of vegetarian restaurants and vegan-friendly options. Whether you’re strolling through Manhattan or Brooklyn, you’ll find that many restaurants cater to vegetarian and vegan diets, sometimes indicated by a ‘V’ on the menu. Happy Cow lists many establishments where you can indulge in everything from high-end meatless cuisine to street food like vegan doughnuts and dairy-free ice cream.

Tel Aviv

Often referred to as the ‘Vegan Capital’ of the world, Tel Aviv boasts an impressive vegan scene. With a substantial vegan population, it’s commonplace to find vegetarian restaurant choices on nearly every corner. Indulge in local favorites like falafel and hummus at specialized eateries, or explore the more modern takes on vegan cuisine that this Mediterranean hub has to offer.


Berlin’s reputation for being a vegan paradise is well-earned. With an increasing number of vegan restaurants popping up, it’s an exciting time to explore the city’s plant-based cuisine. You can savor a variety of dishes that are not only vegan but also gluten-free and dairy-free, allowing for diverse culinary experiences. Berlin’s laid-back yet innovative atmosphere makes it perfect for vegetarians and vegans alike looking for new flavors and experiences.


Portland is renowned for its progressive and eco-friendly lifestyle, and it is no surprise that the city is extremely vegan-friendly. Here, vegetarianism isn’t just a trend; it’s a culture that’s deeply rooted in the city’s identity. With a rich concentration of vegetarian restaurants and a community that values sustainability, Portland offers an abundance of choices for the conscious eater, affirming its status as a vegan paradise.

Choosing Vegetarian and Vegan Options

When you’re traveling as a vegetarian or vegan, finding suitable dining venues can be a priority. You’ll want to identify restaurants that offer a range of meat-free, dairy-free, and plant-based dishes. Here’s how to navigate your options:

  • Research: Look up vegetarian-friendly countries before your trip. Places like India and Mexico are renowned for their abundant vegetarian and vegan cuisine.
  • Use Apps: Tools like HappyCow can help you locate restaurants catering to vegetarian and vegan diets, even if you’re in a country with fewer options for plant-based eating.

It’s important to communicate clearly at restaurants. If you follow a vegan or dairy-free diet, specify that you do not consume any animal products or dairy. For those on a gluten-free diet, make sure to inquire about the ingredients to avoid any form of gluten.

Here’s a quick reference to aid your restaurant choices:

Dietary Preference Ask About Good Keywords
Vegan Animal products “Vegan”
Vegetarian Meat or Fish “Meat-free”
Dairy-Free Milk, Cheese “Dairy-free”
Gluten-Free Wheat, Barley “Gluten-free”
Plant-Based Animal Derivatives “Plant-based”

Remember to be flexible and consider trying local vegetarian delicacies.

The Role of Apps and Resources

A vibrant cityscape with diverse food stalls and restaurants, showcasing a variety of vegetarian dishes from around the world. A smartphone with multiple food and travel apps is prominently featured

Sometimes knowing  and selecting the best countries for countries for vegetarians is not enough to help you on your eco-friendly journey. In planning your vegetarian travels, leveraging digital resources can greatly enhance your experience. Apps play a significant role, allowing you to locate vegetarian food options with convenience and confidence.

  • is a standout resource you’ll want to use. It’s a comprehensive directory of vegetarian, vegan, and veg-friendly restaurants, and health food stores around the globe. By accessing HappyCow through its website or mobile app, you’ll find it easier to plan meals while traveling in different countries.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how resources like Happy Cow can be beneficial:

Benefits Description
Discoverability Find hidden vegetarian gems, even in less known areas.
Community Reviews Read feedback from like-minded individuals.
Convenience Filter options by location, cuisine, and dietary needs.

As you explore the various food options in the best countries for vegetarians, keep in mind the value of local apps and websites. Some countries have dedicated platforms for vegetarian and vegan dining, so conduct some research before your travels to equip yourself with the best local guides.

Enjoying this post on the best countries for vegetarians? Check out our other eco-friendly travel tips.

Best Countries for Vegetarians FAQS

A bustling market with colorful stalls selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and plant-based products from around the world. Signs in multiple languages advertise vegan-friendly options

When planning a vegetarian trip, knowing the best countries for vegetarians can make your travel experience more enjoyable. Here, we answer some common questions to help you find the best spots for vegetarian cuisine on your travels.

What are the top vegetarian-friendly destinations in Europe?

Cities like Berlin and Tel Aviv are recognized as top veg-friendly cities, with an extensive variety of vegetarian dining options.

Which of the best countries for vegetarians are renowned for their cuisine?

India is renowned for its vegetarian cuisine, with a large proportion of the population following a plant-based diet. Countries like Taiwan and Singapore are also notable for their vegetarian-friendly options.

Which best countries for vegetarians have travel tours?

Destinations like Thailand and Vietnam offer travel tours highlighting vegetarian cuisine, where you can indulge in authentic, plant-based dishes and learn about local vegetarian cooking practices.

What are the best places to travel for vegans in the US?

Cities such as Portland, Los Angeles, and New York City are known for their vegan restaurant scenes and offer a wide range of plant-based dining experiences.

What country is considered the most accommodating to vegetarians?

With a high percentage of vegetarians, India stands out as an exceptionally vegetarian-friendly country, offering an array of dishes that are naturally plant-based.

Where can vegetarians find the widest variety of dining options while traveling?

Large cities and culturally diverse areas generally offer the widest variety of vegetarian dining options. Cities like Singapore have a significant number of vegetarian-friendly restaurants despite their smaller size.

Best Countries for Vegetarians

Should there be any nations we add to our list of best countries for vegetarians? Let us know in the comments!


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